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Global Health Alliance for Brain & Heart Health is a Canadian charity dedicated to the physical, mental and social wellbeing of children, youth, and adults from all backgrounds. We offer in-person and online programs including Earth-Connected Kids, Care for The Earth's Caregivers, Wellness In The Workplace, as well as Nature Guide Training for Indigenous and non-Indigenous youth. Our programs are founded upon the wisdom of Indigenous Elders, mindfulness practices and science-based strategies. We inspire youth - and ourselves - to get off our small screens and truly connect with each other and the natural world. We hope to nurture and sustain our hopefulness and care for others, the environment, and all species at risk.


GHA is a registered charity dedicated to the advancement of public health. We are concerned about the impact of technology and digital media on cognitive, cardiac and social well being, as well as the health and early development of children. Our team includes: physicians, educators and environmentalists concerned about unprecedented levels of environmental health hazards. The Less Screen, More Green – Mindful Tech Program™ (Canadian trademark application pending) 

is a Global Health Alliance project.

The program includes facilitator training for parents, teachers, environmental educators and youth leaders so they can offer this in their homes, schools, workplaces and communities. Childhood inactivity has become a global epidemic. All families, youth and adults should have access to outdoor play and the healing power of connecting with each other and the natural world. They should be fully informed about the health impact of excessive screentime and the science-based interventions.

Board Members

John Barnhill, MD, FRCS(C) is a Canadian surgeon

Lee Cowden, MD, is an American cardiologist

Kerry Crofton, PhD, is a Canadian health educator

Victoria Dunckley, MD, is an American child psychiatrist

Sharon Goldberg, MD, is an American internal medicine specialist

Elder Ann LaBillois is Elder in Residence for Dalhousie University

Tripler Pell, MD, is an American family physician

Jacqui Reeves, is a British early childhood educator

Chris Rowan, BSC, is a Canadian occupational therapist

Drew Sinatra, ND, is an American naturopathic doctor

Lisa Steckler, BA, is a Canadian early childhood educator

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This was a webinar series offered by our board members Elder Ann LaBillois
and Dr Kerry Crofton through Green Teacher and Take Me Outside.
Elder Ann is the Board's Indigenous Advisor.


© 2022 by Dr Kerry Crofton,  

Global Health Alliance

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